
I'm a student at University of Alabama at Birmingham working on a PhD in computer science with Thomas Gilray. We're working on tunable static analysis. We created an AAM analysis visualizer to help us as we start analyzing delimited continuations.

As a side project I've worked with Rust's type-level system. I've learned to do computation with traits, and to set up simple type functions and semantic rules.

I received my master's degree through the Programming Languages and Verification group at CU Boulder, advised by Matthew Hammer. We worked together on incremental computation with Adapton in Rust.

In undergrad I worked with Adapton in OCaml at UMD's PLUM lab. I also worked on a few data visualizations in javascript.


  • A DSL embedded in Rust (Kyle Headley)[ACMDL,PDF] Published in IFL'18 proceedings
  • The Random Access Zipper: Simple, Purely-Functional Sequences (Kyle Headley, Matthew A. Hammer)[Arxiv,Springer,PDF] Published in TFP'16 proceedings
  • Incremental Computation with Names (Matthew A. Hammer, Joshua Dunfield, Kyle Headley, Nicholas Labich, Jeffrey S. Foster, Michael Hicks, David Van Horn)[ACMDL,Arxiv,PDF] Published in OOPSLA'15 proceedings

Selected Presentations [All]

  • Visualizing Abstract Abstract Machines [YouTube] Presented at Scheme'19 Workshop with slides [PDF] (30 min)
  • Towards Pervasive Incremental Computing Presented at UAB CS Coloquium Dec'18 with slides [PDF] (45 min)
  • Embedding a DSL in Rust Presented at IFL'18 Symposium with slides [PDF] (20 min)
  • Speed and Simplicity for Incremental Sequence Computation Presented at IC'17 with slides [PDF] (25 min)

Selected Posters [All]

  • Using Rust's Type-level Language [PDF] Displayed at ICFP'18 SRC
  • IODyn: A High-level Language for Incremental Computation [PDF] Displayed at POPL'18 SRC
  • Speed and Simplicity for Incremental Sequence Computation [PDF] Displayed at PLDI'17 SRC

Selected Abstracts [All]

  • Extracting single-function CFGs from an AAM analysis [PDF] Submitted to ICFP'19 for the SRC (not selected to appear)
  • Using Rust's metalanguage as a DSL type checker [PDF] Accepted at ICFP'18 for the SRC
  • Correct-by-Construction Interactive Software: From Declarative Specifications to Efficient Implementations [OBT,PDF] Accepted at OBT'16 for presentation

Selected Projects [All]

AAM Visualizer - Web view of an AAM code analysis TraitLang - Constraining a type-level langauge in Rust Other Rust projects with types Giraz Collection - Sequence data structure using Adapton RAZ - Random Access Zipper for functional sequence editing WebGL - some experiments with graphics



Clark Ren

Selected Service [All]

  • Student Volunteer Co-Chair - ICFP'21
  • Student Volunteer Co-Chair - ICFP'20
  • Senator - UAB GSG Fall'19, Ongoing
  • Student Volunteer Co-Captain - PLDI'18
  • Student Volunteer - PLDI'17